Nicole Bowen’s “Restoration” Named February “Best Song Of The Month”

Nicole Bowen
Nicole Bowen

Nicole Bowen, a songwriter based in Auburn, Washington (near Seattle), has won the SongwriterUniverse “Best Song Of The Month” Contest for February, with her song “Restoration.” Bowen, whose specialty is writing lyrics, has become passionate about developing her songwriting during the past eight years.

“Restoration” is an acoustic/folk song that has a thoughtful, heartfelt lyric and an appealing melody. This demo is basic, with just vocal and acoustic guitar, but the message and feeling of the song is conveyed very well. A highlight of this demo is the strong, expressive lead vocal performance. This recording was expertly produced by Nashville Song Service, a songwriting & artist development company.

Bowen grew up in the town of Bel Air, Maryland, where she learned how to play flute and took guitar lessons. She was inspired by listening to such favorite artists as Belinda Carlisle and Paula Abdul, and more recently to Pink, Modest Mouse and Kings of Leon.

Although she’s always loved music, Bowen was enthusiasatic about writing poetry, and she has written hundreds of poems. Then in 2016, she decided to focus more on songwriting, and she transitioned from writing poems to also writing lyrics. Notably, “Restoration” was the first lyric that she transformed into a full song.

Bowen explains how she wrote “Restoration.” “Around 2016, my health was not in the best condition. I was going through a period of time when I felt inhibited. It led me to write the lyrics—’I feel like my wings have been clipped, My body stripped down, My spirit shattered on the ground. How will my voice be heard, Through this distracted world, Will I always feel undone?’ It was then that I remembered my purpose in life, and it inspired me to do what I needed to do and go against the odds.”

Here’s the audio of Nicole Bowen’s song, “Restoration.”

In addition to “Restoration,” Bowen has since written and recorded other songs, including one of her favorites, “Freedom Is Found In Love.” She is also writing a poetry book.

Along with her songwriting and poetry, Bowen has had a successful career as a behavioral scientist and has done social work. She has a Master’s degree in Public/Global Health from the University of South Florida.

Top Five Songs Of The Month
Here are the Top Five Songs which were submitted for this month's contest, with the songwriter credits, plus their e-mail and website links. You can listen to the winning songs by clicking the music players below.
"Best Song Of The Month" Winner

Song Title:


Written by:

Nicole Bowen of Auburn, Washington.
More Best Songs Of The Month

Song Title:

"Standing Still" (rock)

Written by:

Ethan Senger of Atlanta, GA. Performed by Ethan Senger.
Ethan Senger

Song Title:

"Across Seven Seas" (pop-R&B)

Written by:

MIMILOVE of San Francisco, CA.

Song Title:

"Where Do We Go From Here?" (country/blues)

Written by:

Dave Peeler of Stowe, Pennsylvania. Performed by Nostradaveos.
Dave Peeler

Song Title:

"The Last Place I Looked" (country)

Written by:

Ron Ely of Peacham, Vermont. Performed by Ron Wallace.
Tim Ely
To enter the next "Best Song Of The Month" Contest (the deadline is the last day of each month), please Click Here
Dale Kawashima is the Head of SongwriterUniverse and a music journalist. He’s also a music publishing exec who has represented the song catalogs of Michael Jackson, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and Motown Records.
Dale Kawashima